星期四, 3月 15, 2007

[.Net]Something about Font in mono

Yesterday I met something, I wrote them here:
  1. Some ctor of Font in mono 1.0 class library are empty. If you found some functions cannot work or met some problem, you could use 2 way to check: 1. refer Mono Class Status. 2. use Reflector for .NET to disassembly.
  2. Font use libgdiplus to create font, and libgdiplus use Cairo. Cairo use FreeType(There are others, but I don't check them all.). So the font configuration is in the configuration of fontconfig: /etc/fonts/fonts.conf(It seems no direct relation in using FreeType). When you use some font, but the font cannot be displayed (like chinese), you can refer font configuration then assign the font name directly:
    Font textFont = new Font( "AR PL Mingti2L Big5", 12, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, 1, false);
    . Then it should work.
