星期五, 4月 21, 2006

NAnt (2)

After read previous post, I guess you will feel that nant is wonderful. Because the code is very less. Perfect!
But for Q, it is not.

Q heard that .Net had ported to Linux, So he want to use NAnt to build his project in linux.
Q installed mono, then installed NAnt.

The installation of NAnt in linux is easy, just unzip it, rename it to nant and put it in /opt. (/opt/nant.)
Q copied whole project to Linux home directory, and modify the following line in the build file
<property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="net-1.1"/>

<property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="mono-1.0"/>

This line tell NAnt should switch compile environment to mono before building.

Then enter the following line:
$mono /opt/nant/bin/NAnt.exe

And NAnt said,
Invalid element <solution>. Unknown task or datatype

Q was sliently crying to accept this fact, he know he should learn more for coding build file.

A NAnt build actually is a XML file, the basic element is project, project contains target and property, and target contains tasks.
Here is an empty build file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="dnsedu" default="build">
  <property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="net-1.1"/>
  <target name="build" description="Default build target" depends="dnsedu">

There are lots of tasks provided by NAnt.
You can refer to the official site: Task Reference
Beside basic commands: csc, vbc, cl, al, ilasm, resgen, NAnt also provide these tasks: copy, cvs, mail, nunit ... and etc.
I think these tasks are enough to code a powerful build file.

Now let's rewrite the build file in previous post, and we will use the 2 tasks: csc, mkdir. (I suppose that you use c#)
<project name="your_project" default="build">
  <property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="mono-1.0"/>
  <property name="debug" value="false"/>
  <target name="build">
    <mkdir dir="bin" unless="${directory::exists('bin')}" />
    <csc target="winexe" output="bin/your_project.exe" debug="${debug}">
        <include name="*.cs"/>
        <include name="System.Drawing.dll" />
        <include name="System.Data.dll" />
        <include name="System.Windows.Forms.dll"/>
        <include name="*.resx"/>

mkdir task: Here I use unless attribute, it means "if not". So this line means if specified directory is not existed, make it. If you want to know more, you can refer to Function Reference.

In csc tasks, you need to specify the target, output and debug information.
Inside csc tasks, you need to specify references, sources and resources.
That's easy, right?

These are the basic things, next time let's talk about Web Application.
