But how hard I try, I just cannot boot from Live CD. This is a warning, it tell me that this notebook could have some problems.
At this time, I remembered that I visited a web site before, it provide lots of compatibility issues about Linux on laptop. I found this site by Google : Linux on Laptops. Regrettably, there are no information about Averatec 6200.
Time and tide wait for no man...several weeks passed.
I boot with Live again tonight, but this time, I study the boot option (Press F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, you can see different options). And use the following command to boot:
live vga=771 noapic nolapic gdth=disable:y
It works!! :)
And then the problem is about wireless~
Ubuntu Linuxcan detect my wireless chip, so the problems is about wireless settings.
After I study 1~2 hours(In fact, the half time are spend for remembering wep key and key index, :p ),finally I use the following settings in /etc/network/interfaces
iface ra0 inet dhcp
wireless-essid your_essid
# keys
wireless-key1 your_key_1
wireless-key2 your_key_2
wireless-key3 your_key_3
wireless-key4 your_key_4
# adjust the value according your key index.
wireless-defaultkey 1
# I use restricted, you can comment this line.
wireless-keymode restricted
auto ra0
After modify settings, restart networking service.
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart